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An old man lays in a hospital bed. He is wearing a blue hospital gown, covered in a blue blanket, and is using a blue pillow. He holds a coffee mug, and looks out the window.

How Might Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy for Prostate Cancer Impact Ejaculatory Function?

Radiation therapy is a common treatment for prostate cancer. Unfortunately, it has been shown to negatively affect a man’s sexual function in some cases. In particular, the association between prostatic radiotherapy and erectile dysfunction (ED) is well documented, despite it generally showing better sexual health outcomes than radical prostatectomy (surgery to remove the prostate and surrounding tissues) in the short term.

A couple is pictured. The man has short hair, and is wearing a jacket. He sits next to a woman and he is reading a book. The woman is not looking at the man, she is writing in her book instead. the woman has curly hair and wears a blue striped shirt.

How Can Couples Make More Time for Sex?

For busy couples facing seemingly endless demands upon their time, it may feel like sex always takes a back seat to work, education, chores, parenting, and other important priorities. Certainly, the ebb and flow of sexual activity is normal in a long-term relationship, and putting off sex may even be necessary in times of major life changes such as soon after childbirth. Nevertheless, if it is consistently difficult for you and your partner to find time for sex in your day-to-day lives, the following are a few things you can try.

A man stands in front of a purple wall. He wears a sparkling white shirt with a yellow blazer. He wears eyeliner and lipstick.

Prevalence of Gender Dysphoria in Japan, According to a Population-Based Survey

Gender dysphoria is the distress that an individual may feel due to their gender identity not matching the sex they were assigned at birth. While gender dysphoria typically affects transgender and gender diverse individuals, it is important to note that not all transgender and gender diverse people experience it, nor does everyone seek gender-affirming care.

two hands are shown holding a joint

The Interplay of Substance Use, Depression, and Sexual Dysfunction in a German Population


Depression is one of the most frequent health disorders in the world, according to the Global Burden of Disease (GBD). In fact, a 2017 GBD study revealed that approximately 258.2 million people worldwide were diagnosed with major depressive disorder (MDD) at the time of the study, and this number is almost certainly lower than the actual count, as depression is an underreported/underdiagnosed condition.

Two women of Asian descent lay next to each other on white sheets. Both wear tank tops. One wears pink, the other wears tan. Both women are looking in opposite directions.

What Are the Sexual Health Consequences of LGBTQIA+ Discrimination?

Discrimination against members of minority groups such as the LGBTQIA+ community can have serious ramifications when it comes to the overall health and well-being of these individuals. (LGBTQIA+ stands for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer/questioning, intersex, asexual, and all other gender and sexual identities).

Two hands are pictured. One hand is holding out a glass of whiskey to the other. The other hand is holding itself out in the flat position, to signal that they do not want what is being offered.

The Impact of Refraining From Alcohol on Erectile Function

The association between alcohol abuse and erectile dysfunction (ED) is well-documented in medical literature. Healthy erectile functioning relies on signals being passed effectively through the body’s nervous system and good blood flow to the penis, which are two processes that alcohol consumption can hamper (at least temporarily). In particular, chronic alcohol abuse has been shown to lead to an increase in erectile difficulties in men, though luckily these effects may be reversible.

Call for nominations ISSM Board of Directors

Call for nominations ISSM Board of Directors

The ISSM Nominating Committee is seeking nominations for five open positions on the ISSM Board of Directors: President-Elect, Treasurer, and three Members-at-Large. Any ISSM member in good standing may seek election for these positions by submitting a petition for nomination signed by 20 full members of the society. Petitions must be received by the Secretary-General by July 4, 2022.

Warning Message - Fake Email messages from ISSM President

Warning Message - Fake Email messages from ISSM President

This message is to inform you that currently a fake email account for the ISSM President Annamaria Giraldi is being used, requesting to respond to an 'urgent task for the SMSNA-ISSM'.

Please note that this account is NOT an email account from the ISSM president and please do not reply or click on any links in this message. It is best to delete it directly. If you reply to the email, they will send you even more messages and try to get you convinced to transfer money. This method is called a smart form of phishing.


Phishing is a form of online scamming using fake e-mails, websites or messages. How can you identify those fake e-mails and how can you distinguish them from real messages? Smart cybercriminals can really make you doubt. Here are a number of tips to help you assess whether or not you can trust a message.

The basic rule: Cyber criminals always try to abuse something you believe in or someone you trust. They also often try to use fear to achieve their ends. Do not get tricked!


Did you get a suspicious e-mail or phone call? Then answer these questions:

  • Is it unexpected? - You received a message for no reason: you did not buy anything, have not had contact with them for a long time, etc. Investigate further.
  • Is it urgent? - Stay calm: did you really get a first reminder to pay? Do you know that 'friend in need'?
  • Do you know the person who sent the e-mail? - Check the e-mail address, and also check for spelling errors. However, beware: a legitimate e-mail address is no guarantee.
  • Do you find the request strange? - An official body will never ask you for your password, bank details or personal details via e-mail, SMS or over the telephone.
  • Where does the link you need to click on lead to? - Hover over the link with your mouse. Is the domain name, the word before “.be”, “.com”, “.eu”, “.org”, etc. and before the very first slash "/", really the organization’s name?
  • Are you being personally addressed? - Be wary of messages using general and vague titles, or your e-mail address to address you.
  • Does the message contain many linguistic errors? - Although seasoned cybercriminals tend to use language correctly, language errors or a foreign language can indicate a suspicious message.

If you are in doubt about emails you receive from ISSM (now or in the future) or have any questions/concerns, please always contact us through This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call us at: +31 75 647 63 72.

Kind regards,

ISSM Secretariat

A man sits on a gray couch. He wears a blue shirt with gray pants. His face shows distress, as his hand holds his stomach.

How Can People With Inflammatory Bowel Disease Thrive Sexually?

Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is an overarching term that describes disorders that cause chronic inflammation in a person’s digestive track. The two conditions that are categorized as IBD are Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis.

 A middle aged woman with short brown hair is pictured. She wears a white collared shirt and is producing a small smile.

CO2-Laser Therapy May Be Beneficial for Women With Genitourinary Syndrome of Menopause

Genitourinary Syndrome of Menopause (GSM) is a condition that is estimated to affect about half of all postmenopausal women. It occurs when the decline in estrogen that accompanies menopause causes undesirable changes in the urogenital system such as vaginal and vulvar dryness, itchiness, burning, and frequent, urgent, and/or painful urination.

a yellow background reveals a hand holding a blue vibration device.

What Are the Myths and Facts About Masturbation?

Masturbation is a common and normal sexual activity, but many people still feel uncomfortable talking about it or even ashamed about doing it. Unfortunately, old stigmas and myths/misinformation continue to surround the practice of masturbation which, in reality, is a healthy, free way to experience sexual pleasure. Below are some of the most common myths about masturbation, as well as the facts and health benefits of this sexual activity.

a woman of African decent stands in front of a white wall. She wears a white tee shirt, and has a straight facial expression.

Chronic Stressors and Their Impact on the Sexual Functioning of African American Women

In the short term, stressful situations prompt alertness and focus, allowing people to deal more effectively with the challenge at hand. However, ongoing stress can result in an overactive nervous system, which is disruptive to the body’s natural processes and can leave a person more vulnerable to mental and physical health issues.


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