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Present your latest research at WMSM 2021

Become part of the virtual 22nd World Meeting from November 19 to 21, 2021 and submit your abstracts.
This enables you to present your latest research virtually to an international audience!

The scientific committee welcomes the submission of abstracts for oral, video and poster presentations.
All abstracts presented at the meeting will be published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine.

Submission deadline: July 15, 2021

Submit your Abstracts 

For more information, please click here

Will you be the next ISSM prize winner?

Every two years the ISSM hands out a number of prestigious prizes to recognize and celebrate dedication and innovation in sexual medicine. The prizes will be handed out during the WMSM 2021 virtual meeting.

Four ISSM prizes will be awarded:

  1. The prestigious ISSM Zorgniotti-Newman Prize of USD 2500 will be awarded to the best paper (both basic and clinical research projects) on erectile dysfunction.
  2. The Female Sexual Dysfunction prize of USD 2500 goes to the best paper in Women’s Sexual Health.
  3. The ISSM Emil Tanagho Prize* of USD 2500 will be awarded to the best innovative research presented during the World Meeting on Sexual Medicine.
  4. NEW! The ISSM Mental Health Prize of USD 2500 will be awarded to the best paper on psychology/behavioral health.

Will you be among these distinguished prize winners?
In order to participate for the ISSM Zorgniotti-Newman Prize, the Female Sexual Dysfunction Prize and the ISSM Mental Health Prize, we invite you to submit your full paper to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. before July 15, 2021.

*The Emil Tanagho Prize will be based on the abstracts (submitted via the regular abstract system) and not on a full paper.
The rules of publication of the Journal of Sexual Medicine (JSM) apply to your submission and it should be accompanied by an authorization letter for publication.

Show all winners

Hormonal Treatment Linked to Higher CV Risk in Transgender Men

Hormonal Treatment Linked to Higher CV Risk in Transgender Men

Transgender men undergoing gender-affirming hormonal treatment (GAHT) should be monitored for cardiovascular risk, according to the authors of a recent Journal of Sexual Medicine paper.

Interview Prof Giraldi and Elsevier – How webinars are helping societies engage new audiences

Interview Prof Giraldi and Elsevier – How webinars are helping societies engage new audiences

As president of the International Society for Sexual Medicine, Prof Annamaria Girardi, MD, PhD, talks about how the ISSM has used webinars throughout the pandemic to connect with members and reach new audiences around the world.

Staying in touch with members and the wider scientific network has been a major challenge for societies during the Covid-19 pandemic. With the vast majority of in-person events cancelled, societies have had to find new ways of maintaining contact with their members and reaching out to new audiences.

Over the last year, the webinar has emerged as a vital tool for many societies, including the ISSM.
“The pandemic has pushed us to think of new ways of reaching our members, and this is a very effective way to achieve it,” said ISSM President Prof. Annamaria Giraldi, Professor of Clinical Sexology at the University of Copenhagen.

Click here to read the full interview

Study Examines Effects of Confinement on Sexual Function During COVID-19

To what extent might COVID-19 pandemic-related lockdown and social distancing mandates affect the sexual functioning of men and women?

How long does it take a woman to reach orgasm?

How long does it take a woman to reach orgasm?

All women are different, so the answer to this question varies. One woman may reach orgasm quickly. Another may need more time. And some women don’t reach orgasm at all.

Present to an international audience!

Dear ISSM Members,

Here is your opportunity to present to an international audience! The International Society for Sexual Medicine is launching a new initiative called the “Ask the Experts” program. These virtual sessions will allow attendees to hear from and converse with expert thought and opinion leaders and innovators in the field of Sexual Medicine and Sexual Health. Limited registration for these sessions will allow for intimate and informal conversation.

The program will cover all aspects of sexual medicine & health and will include a variety of world renowned experts providing in-depth insight in their specialty and best practices for Sexual Medicine specialists.

We are seeking additional proposals for interactive Ask the Expert virtual sessions to fill out our 2021 schedule. If you have one in mind, please submit your proposal by June 15, 2021.

We look forward receiving your proposals!

Kind regards,

On behalf of the Program Committee,
Gerald B. Brock, Eric Chung, Patrícia M. Pascoal and Alan W. Shindel

Click here for the submission Form to send in your propopsal

RALP: Fascia-Preserving Method Not Recommended Over Standard Surgical Approach

Preservation of Endopelvic Fascia: Effects on Postoperative Incontinence and Sexual Function – A Randomized Clinical Trial

Aino Siltari PhD; Jarno Riikonen PhD, MD; Teemu J. Murtola PhD, MD

Does Intensive Anti-Hypertensive Therapy Affect Sexual Function?

Does Intensive Anti-Hypertensive Therapy Affect Sexual Function?

Pharmacologic intensive anti-hypertensive (HT) therapy doesn’t affect sexual health any more than standard therapy, suggests a recent study in the American Journal of Hypertension.

What is outercourse?

What is outercourse?

In general, the word outercourse refers to sexual activities that don’t involve penetration. However, the word can mean different things to different people.

Erectile Dysfunction is a Hot Topic on Twitter

Conversations about erectile dysfunction (ED) increased substantially on Twitter between 2015 and 2020, according to a new study.

Message from the ISSM President Annamaria Giraldi

Dear ISSM members,

I hope you are all well and safe.

We are still facing difficult times around the world. Many countries are in their 2nd or 3rd wave of COVID-19 infections, and face many challenges, whilst other countries are beginning to open their societies. The pandemic also has an impact on our society and our members. During the last months we have lost members to COVID-19, and others have been ill but recovered or may still struggle with the recovery. Others may be challenged on their daily practice and work. Wherever you are, I hope you are safe and manage to get through these difficult times.

A major challenge is that the situation is still very unsecure, and most people cannot plan to travel. Because of the situation, the ISSM directors have decided to change the Japan World Meeting on Sexual Medicine (WMSM) to a virtual meeting to take place on 19-21 November 2021. We really had hoped that it would have been possible to meet in person – and I personally had looked forward to meeting all you good colleagues in Japan. I know that the APSSM (Asia Pacific Society for Sexual Medicine) and the JSSM (Japanese Society for Sexual Medicine) also had looked forward to welcome you all in Japan.

HOWEVER, the meeting is not cancelled. At this moment the local organizers and the scientific committee are working hard together with our office to change the program so you can join the high-quality program online. I want to express a special thank you to Prof. Koichi Nagao, local organizing committee chair of the WMSM2021, to Prof. Yoshikazu Sato, local organizing committee secretary general, to Prof. Bang-Ping Jiann, President of APSSM, and also to Prof. Eric Chung, chair of the scientific committee, for their tremendous work, effort and flexibility which has been remarkable. More detailed information will follow through a separate e-mailing next week, where you will also have the opportunity to register for the virtual World Meeting on Sexual Medicine.

As a consequence of the pandemic and postponement of the WMSM last year the ISSM introduced the monthly webinar series. We are now celebrating our 12th webinar on May 27, 2021. The topic is ‘Testosterone Abuse and Sexual Health’. Our webinars have been a huge success. We have hundreds of participants at each webinar and managed to have attendees from all continents at several meeting including the Antarctic. This is quite remarkable and wonderful to see as ISSM president as providing knowledge on sexual medicine throughout the world is an important part of ISSM’s mission. Our series of webinars have even drawn attention to the publisher of our journals, Elsevier, who will soon share our experiences with other societies they are collaborating with. I hope you will all continue to follow the webinars. I also want to thank the education committee for the huge work they have put into the webinars lead by the vice-chair Patrícia M. Pascoal from Portugal.

Several other projects and initiatives are happening in our Society now. Soon you will be introduced to a new initiative “Ask the Experts” which is initiated and lead by Dr. Gerald Brock from Canada. The ISSM has also started to work on a diversity, equity and inclusion policy and has engaged the Ethics committee in this work lead by Dr. Daniela Wittmann from the USA and initiated by Dr. Arthur Burnett from the USA. We look forward to informing more about these projects in the near future.

Please remember that if you have ideas or suggestions for projects, you can always contact the members of the ISSM Executive Committee or contact our Executive Office.

Meanwhile, please stay safe – hopefully we are moving towards easier times where we can meet in person.

Best regards,

Annamaria Giraldi
President ISSM


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